That is why I entrust myself to you, San Martin the most needy, showing the deepest clemency, because in front of you there is no one who suffers without you take me along the paths of prosperity, abundance, bonanza, where money runs for my house, that's why you left weapons and dedicated yourself to helping orayer that way I can with bread, shelter and spiritual that I so long for of God as your greatest.
Listen carefully to my prayers that characterizes you, to beg gift; I am a soldier strength I can triumph over and to be able to.
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Oracion a SAN MARTIN CABALLERO para atraer fortuna, buena suerte, el dinero rapido y prosperidadSaint Martin Caballero, anoint me with your ointments, anoint me with your oils, do not let me die without the holy sacraments and just as you gave alms to that. Bless the fruits of my business, may my company always be productive and fertile, may fortune be my harvest to the honor of our Lord and Saint Martin Caballero. In the name of Omnipotent God, Saint Martin of Tours, remove all that harms me and give me work and prosperity. O blessed relief, give me your saintly.